Hi, beautiful soul.
As I prepare to offer my 8-week signature program, Magnetic Healed & Free, it's clearer to me than ever that we can only deliver on our purpose if someone is holding space for US as much as we're holding space for others.
It's a cliche for a reason: there's simply no way to pour from an empty cup. ☕️
There's no way I could give 8 weeks of teaching, coaching, & Reiki healing - let alone hold the energy of many souls at once, all coming into the program with their unique stories, desires, and energies - if I wasn't doubling down on my personal practices AND having equal space held for myself.
In addition to recommitting to my daily meditation practice once again (as I'm sure I will be for my entire life), I've booked myself into craniosacral therapy after years of wanting to try it 💆🏼♀️, I'm showing up for weekly trainings with my business mentor 📲, and attending a 5-day manifestation workshop ✨ (the lessons from which I documented in my previous post here).
Since upping the amount of time I'm dropping into spaces where my only job is to RECEIVE, I've had the most effortless & Divinely aligned program sign-ups yet (for example, yesterday after I solidified my craniosacral appointment, someone texted me with interest in Magnetic, Healed, and Free & signed up within the hour) and feel a palpable weight lifted from my shoulders.
I can deliver fully because I'm allowing others to fully deliver for me.
I can show up fully because others are showing up fully for me.
I can give whole-heartedly because I'm allowing myself to receive.
If you're here, I know you hold space for so much and so many, too.
You're a leader. A guide. A teacher. A parent. A friend. A confidant. A daughter. A partner. A creator. A busy human with a big mission. A radiant soul with a big purpose.
As you give and give and give,
And shine your beautiful light,
Even if you're doing the very work and being the very person your soul came to this planet to do and be...
It's imperative that you ask yourself the same question I've been asking myself, "Who is holding that same space for me?"
💕 My dear friend and soul sister Erin Panzarella recently shared that her business has skyrocketed in unbelievable ways since she allowed herself to be held regularly by other healers, mentors, and practitioners. (Check out her page here for the full story.)
🧘🏻♀️ The biggest and most successful CEOs are the ones with the most rigorous, non-negotiable self-care regimens.
🏃🏽♀️ The world's greatest athletes are also the world's greatest at rest and recovery.
So often, we think we don't have time to pour into ourselves and be in spaces where our only job is to receive.
We think it takes away from time that "should" be spent doing more giving, more working, more output, more being there for others, more showing up for our businesses, etc.
But beautiful soul, I know in my bones that the opposite is true. 🕊
The more you allow yourself to receive, the more your cup overflows with the ability to give. And do. And attract. And create. And shine the light you're here to shine. 💡
The more you truly make space to charge your own batteries, the more inclined the Universe is to send you abundance, success, clients, opportunities, aligned relationships, and more of what's meant for you. More fuel to stoke the flames of your incredible purpose.
Your time spent in spaces of receivership is your secret weapon to becoming superhuman.
Superhuman results.
Superhuman manifestations.
Superhuman creativity.
Superhuman forward momentum towards your dreams.
I invite you to activate your superhuman powers with me inside of Magnetic, Healed & Free - a sacred 8-week space I've created where lightworkers and powerful women with big soul missions come to have space held for THEM.
To heal.
To manifest.
To become magnetic beyond your wildest dreams.
To receive Reiki healings, channeled messages, teachings that will unlock soul remembrances that bring you to tears, live coaching, and soul-sister community.
Your success, alignment, and peace at the end of this year will be a direct reflection of the spaces of receivership you choose to put yourself in.
And this is your invitation to give yourself that gift - right here, right now.
Explore the program details here, then send me a message on Instagram so I can answer your questions and send you the sign-up link directly.
We begin on Monday. Xoxoxo.