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I'm so glad you're here. If you're ready to commit to taking consistent care of yourself, getting to know your soul, and finding the freedom to be ALL of you in every area of your life, you're in the right place.

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Hi, beautiful soul.

Xo, Maya

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Are you ready to finally say HELL YES to building the life of your dreams?

Your Divine birthright is to live a life that fulfills you, provides you with wild abundance, and feels authentic in the deepest part of your soul.


Step Into Who You Were Born to Be

You know you were made for more than a life of box-checking, being the person everyone expects you to be while your soul silently cumbles in the corner.

You came for SO much more than that.

Let's work together to help you...
✨ regulate your nervous system and return you to ease, peace, and natural magnetism, 
✨ dissolve your doubts and fears around creating it,
✨and build the soul-led life that's keeping you up at night.

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I'm Maya, and I'm here to guide you back home to your beautiful soul.

As a 5x certified transformation coach, Reiki master energy healer, writer, and forever soul-searcher, I combine my over 20 years of experience using spirituality, mindset, subconscious reprogramming, and energy healing with a passion for watching people transform into the most radiant versions of themselves. My method is designed to guide you back home to your soul, and my coaching programs operate under the belief system that we all have the power to create any reality that we choose.

After suffering from an anxiety and panic disorder in childhood and many resulting self-worth and safety wounds, I've learned and integrated so much on my own personal development journey. I created Someday My Soul as a space to pay forward all I've learned, because I believe that while hurt people hurt people, healed people heal people. If you're here, I know you're meant to be part of the collective of lightworkers who are here to heal and raise the vibration of the planet. 

The life of your dreams is in your hands.
Here's how I help...

Reiki Healings with Channeled Readings

My Reiki healings combine 20 or 40 minutes of powerful distance energy healing with 15-20 minutes of potent, accurate channeled messages sent straight to your phone via voice note after your session.

This is my most popular and sought-out offering!

Reiki & Realness: The Membership

This is the place to be in my world of offerings! Experience 2x monthly group Reiki circles with individualized channeled messages, frequent workshops and masterclasses, town halls with hot seat coaching, community, and discounts on private Reiki.

This is for the person who wants to commit to consistent self-care and soul connection, and to do so alongside authentic spiritual women with similar interests. This is also my most affordable offering for by far the most value!

A La Carte Experiences

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I'd love your thoughts. Let's connect!

Thanks, beautiful soul!

© 2022 by Maya Davis LLC

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